fredag 8 april 2011

Week 14

My work this past two weeks has basically involved plenty of work with Slingshot´s booth and props. We got our first feedback on our booth draft today, and we had a lot of positive feedback. Me and the other co-producer named Jerker will only make some small changes in the booth, for example color and small details.
I have basically been writing down all the props and calculate on all the expenses that we will have in our booth, and to see so that we wont cross our budget limit.

I have been involved with a lot of discussions about our game and the development of our game with almost everyone in the group. I realize that a lot of time goes by just to talk about all the problems, feelings and ideas about the game and listen to what everyone has to say. But it is in a good kind of way. It makes it easier for me to handle situations and think of better solutions to problems.

This has also been the week when we started to come up with a trailer for our game. We are now in the development phase. I have been involved in arranging meetings and talking about our trailer and throwing out ideas, so we are now in the progress phrase, or at least letting our trailer artist work with the idea´s we came up with.

I have also been writing on a big report about our game. The report can be used as a template for the designer to look at because it contained information based on the core mechanics, levels and structure.

I know that I have had some problems in making everyone work as much as they should do. But I also feel that everyone has their own responsibility, I can´t nag about the work that has to be done 3-5 times a day, or am I wrong? I should perhaps change my strategy a bit. hmm...

I will be working on our development blog as soon as possible (or as soon as guidelines will be up on the web)

.... and that is all for now. Thank you for reading my blog.

This picture was made by Jerker Gullbrand and gives a brief look on how our booth will look like. There will be some changes. We will go back to my idea about having four small tv screens in both booths, so there will be a total of 8 screens. We changed the idea because of the fact that the programmers will programme so that every player will have their own screen. 

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